"God is within her. She will not fail."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Yesterday was the first day that it was cold enough for me to wear my winter coat. It seemed like I was cold all day and that I couldn't get warm.

Well, I go to school in Indiana, but my home is in Illinois near St. Louis. Before I didn't think the weather was going to be that different, but then upper classmates kept telling me how crazy cold it gets and how much snow we get. It was just complain complain complain. Now I am not a big fan of snow and the cold either, but I was laying in bed last night thinking about it and I came to the conclusion that winter is really not bad. In fact, I kind of enjoy it.

1. I love wearing cute sweaters and scarves. Can't do that in the summer unless you want to get heat stroke. No thank you!
2. It's not humid so I usually have good hair days. :)
3. That means the semester is almost over so you only have another half to go. :)
4. Yes, the cold makes your noise run...and run, but sometimes I like it when it does that, especially if I'm all stuffed up. It cleans all that crap outta there. :)
5. It makes drinking hot cocoa, tea, coffee, .... more enjoyable.
6. If you get really dry skin it's an excuse to go visit Bath and Body Works. Guys, we know you secretly like that stuff. :)
7. It's the perfect weather for sitting on the couch, drinking hot chocolate with a blanket and a book. :) Can you tell I'm kind of a nerd? :)
8. I LOVE Christmas and Advent.
9. A continuation of #8, Winter is the time of year that I get to see my family the most.
10. I love dressing up and going out to a concert or something and when you're leaving your absolutely freezing but you don't care because the night was amazing. You're dressed all nicely and you can see the stars so clearly. You get into the car and crank up the heat and it feels so good that by the time you get home you're asleep.
11. It means more cuddle time. :)
12. and more hugs
13. It's my mom, grandmas, brother, and niece/nephew's birthday.
14. It's a time of giving.
15. I like hearing the Salvation Army ringers. :) Though I probably should be giving more money than I do. :(
16. It's Thanksgiving and Christmas! Duh!
17. and New Years and sometimes Valentine's Day.
18. I get to wear my glittens. :) Which make me happy.
19. It's an excuse not to go outside and exercise. :)
20. Even though snow can look absolutely disgusting after it starts melting, the grass is always so much greener.
21. It makes showers and baths more relaxing.
22. I get to do more shopping. Not just for myself but for others too. :)

I just love winter, even when I say that I hate it, I really mean that I love it. :) So next time you complain that you don't like winter just think of all these positives. :) and you'll make it through.

So, I must really love making lists because that's what all my blogs seem to be, but that's okay because it's my blog and I like it. :)

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