Dear Grace,
Today you were brought into God's family through holy baptism. Lucky Grandpa had the honor of baptising you. I think he feels a lot better now that you're finally baptized. You were definitely a big hit tonight. Everyone wanted to hold you. Everybody was kissing you and commenting on how cute you were. I have a confession to make...I was a little jealous. Not that you were getting all the attention, but because there are so many people on this earth that love you. I wanted to have you all to myself and be the one to show you the most love. Then I realized that by doing so I'm not really loving you at all. First of all, I'm not your mother so there's NO WAY I could love you more than they do, but I also remembered a point that was made in chapel Wednesday, "The earth is the Lord's and everything in it, the world and all who live in it."-Psalm 24:1
You see Grace, you do not just belong to your parents but to God. Most importantly to God. No matter how much your parents or I or all these other wonderful people in your life try to love you and do what's best for you, ultimately God is the one in charge. You are His. He is the one to love you, to heal you when your sick, and to "fix" you whenever you become a rebellious teenager. :)
But I definitely think that one way God shows us His love is through others. We love because He first loved us. I want you to always remember that Grace. Even during your saddest darkest days remember how much Jesus loves you.
And how much I love you.
Love Always,
Aunt Liz xo's
P.S. Pictures of the baptism are soon to follow.
"God is within her. She will not fail."
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
So today I discovered a few things I thought I'd share with you. :)
1. Stretching feels so good. I really miss dance class.
2. My politeness & patience really does get noticed.
3. I am so blessed!
4. I really do feel like God does want me at BCHFS this summer for my internship.
5. I really need to figure out what my learning style is so I can study better.
6. It's so quiet when not all of my roommates are here. I can't decide if I like it.
7. For the first time I really believe that if it's God's will, it will work. I still don't exactly know for sure what that is, but it will work out. :)
8. Teachers really do care & I'm happy that my teachers know my name out of 2000 students. My old college couldn't even remember my name out of less than 600.
9. Music is so therapeutic.
10. I wish I was craftier, like making my own clothes or jewlrey. Maybe I'll use some of my birthday money to buy a how-to jewelry book. :)
So what have you discovered today?
1. Stretching feels so good. I really miss dance class.
2. My politeness & patience really does get noticed.
3. I am so blessed!
4. I really do feel like God does want me at BCHFS this summer for my internship.
5. I really need to figure out what my learning style is so I can study better.
6. It's so quiet when not all of my roommates are here. I can't decide if I like it.
7. For the first time I really believe that if it's God's will, it will work. I still don't exactly know for sure what that is, but it will work out. :)
8. Teachers really do care & I'm happy that my teachers know my name out of 2000 students. My old college couldn't even remember my name out of less than 600.
9. Music is so therapeutic.
10. I wish I was craftier, like making my own clothes or jewlrey. Maybe I'll use some of my birthday money to buy a how-to jewelry book. :)
So what have you discovered today?
Saturday, February 19, 2011
I am a little church (no great cathedral)
i am a little church (no great cathedral)
far from the splendor and squalor of hurrying cities
-i do not worry if briefer days grow briefest,
i am not sorry when sun and rain make April
my life is the life of the reaper and the sower;
my prayers are prayers of earth's own clumsily striving
(finding and losing and laughing and crying) children
whose any sadness or joy is my grief or my gladness
around me surges a miracle of unceasing
birth and glory and death and resurrection:
over my sleeping self float flaming symbols
of hope, and i wake to a perfect patience of mountains
i am a little church (far from the frantic
world with its rapture and anguish) at peace with nature
-i do not worry if longer nights grow longest;
i am not sorry when silence becomes singing
winter by spring, i lift my diminutive spire to
merciful Him whose only now is forever:
standing erect in the deathless truth of His presence
(welcoming humbly His light and proudly His darkness)
poem by e.e. cummings
e.e. cummings is probably my favorite (well, only) poet. On the wall next to my bed in the dorm I have this poem posted. Occasionally, when I'm having some technical difficulties I find myself looking over and reading this poem. Lately, this poem has been on my mind. There are so many things that I believe the poet is trying to say but the things that stick out the most to me are:
far from the splendor and squalor of hurrying cities
-i do not worry if briefer days grow briefest,
i am not sorry when sun and rain make April
my life is the life of the reaper and the sower;
my prayers are prayers of earth's own clumsily striving
(finding and losing and laughing and crying) children
whose any sadness or joy is my grief or my gladness
around me surges a miracle of unceasing
birth and glory and death and resurrection:
over my sleeping self float flaming symbols
of hope, and i wake to a perfect patience of mountains
i am a little church (far from the frantic
world with its rapture and anguish) at peace with nature
-i do not worry if longer nights grow longest;
i am not sorry when silence becomes singing
winter by spring, i lift my diminutive spire to
merciful Him whose only now is forever:
standing erect in the deathless truth of His presence
(welcoming humbly His light and proudly His darkness)
poem by e.e. cummings
e.e. cummings is probably my favorite (well, only) poet. On the wall next to my bed in the dorm I have this poem posted. Occasionally, when I'm having some technical difficulties I find myself looking over and reading this poem. Lately, this poem has been on my mind. There are so many things that I believe the poet is trying to say but the things that stick out the most to me are:
- You don't have to be big or fancy for your prayers or worship to count.
- It doesn't matter where you are or how you worship as long as He is the one you are worshipping.
- Not only should we rejoice in our happiness but also in our sufferings.
- You should not measure your amount of worth or how Christian you are by your actions alone nor by the number of people you share God with.
- We should rejoice even if it is just one person's life we change.
- Just like in my ASL class God only cares if you try.
- God knows your struggles.
- We need only plant the seed and the Holy Spirit will take care of the rest.
- Overall, always be rejoicing because we have so much to be thankful for. :)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day
To me, Valentine's Day is the stupidest holiday ever invented. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a lonely single young woman (okay maybe I am a little). Once again the pagans have ruined a perfectly good and moral holiday turning it all into love and gifts and lust and greed and an excuse to have some fun at school. Well, I decided that let's look back at the history of Valentine's Day and see what it's really about.
First of all, the origins of Valentine's Day are kind of a mystery, but here are three legends we have of St. Valentine.
We do know St. Valentine was a person. :) One legend says that he was a priest in Rome. The Emperor of the time, Emperor Claudius II decided that single men were better soldiers. So, he banded marriage. But St. Valentine continued to perform marriages in secret. When his actions were discovered he was put to death.
Another legend states that St. Valentine was killed because he tried to help Christians escape the Roman prison and their harsh conditions.
The last legend (a very paganish legend) is that St. Valentine was the first person to actually send a "valentine." While he was in prison he was supposed to have fallen in love with the jailer's daughter. Before he died the letter he sent to her was signed "from your Valentine." Very Romeo and Juliet like.
There is debate over whether or not Valentine's Day is celebrated on the day Valentine was buried or on the pagan holiday of Lupercalia festival. This was the celebration of the beginning of spring and a time for purification. Houses were cleaned. (Ha, now we know where spring cleaning comes from too). It was celebrated on the 15th, a day of fertility dedicated to the Roman god of agriculture. At the festival a priest would sacrifice a goat for fertility and a dog for purification (no, it's not the Chinese that kill and eat dogs). The hide was cut into strips and women and crops were slapped with them. Later all the single women would place their name in an urn and the single men would pick one and the woman they got would be theirs for the year. Usually, they would end up getting married.
Throughout history the Christians and pagans have fought for the true meaning of Valentine's Day and their traditions. So, which to you sounds right?
Personally, I don't think we should pick one day out of the year to show your love and affection for someone. It should be shown all days of the year. And no matter which legend is true about St. Valentine's all legends show that he was a man of love, courage, and generousity. :)
A little video to make you smile. :)
I love the Skit Guys. They're so funny. :)
All information is curtisy of the History channel website. :)
I did leave some information out so if you would like to know more...than google it yourself. :)
First of all, the origins of Valentine's Day are kind of a mystery, but here are three legends we have of St. Valentine.
We do know St. Valentine was a person. :) One legend says that he was a priest in Rome. The Emperor of the time, Emperor Claudius II decided that single men were better soldiers. So, he banded marriage. But St. Valentine continued to perform marriages in secret. When his actions were discovered he was put to death.
Another legend states that St. Valentine was killed because he tried to help Christians escape the Roman prison and their harsh conditions.
The last legend (a very paganish legend) is that St. Valentine was the first person to actually send a "valentine." While he was in prison he was supposed to have fallen in love with the jailer's daughter. Before he died the letter he sent to her was signed "from your Valentine." Very Romeo and Juliet like.
There is debate over whether or not Valentine's Day is celebrated on the day Valentine was buried or on the pagan holiday of Lupercalia festival. This was the celebration of the beginning of spring and a time for purification. Houses were cleaned. (Ha, now we know where spring cleaning comes from too). It was celebrated on the 15th, a day of fertility dedicated to the Roman god of agriculture. At the festival a priest would sacrifice a goat for fertility and a dog for purification (no, it's not the Chinese that kill and eat dogs). The hide was cut into strips and women and crops were slapped with them. Later all the single women would place their name in an urn and the single men would pick one and the woman they got would be theirs for the year. Usually, they would end up getting married.
Throughout history the Christians and pagans have fought for the true meaning of Valentine's Day and their traditions. So, which to you sounds right?
Personally, I don't think we should pick one day out of the year to show your love and affection for someone. It should be shown all days of the year. And no matter which legend is true about St. Valentine's all legends show that he was a man of love, courage, and generousity. :)
A little video to make you smile. :)
I love the Skit Guys. They're so funny. :)
All information is curtisy of the History channel website. :)
I did leave some information out so if you would like to know more...than google it yourself. :)
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Some TidBits
So...while I was on facebook yesterday facebook stalking :) I noticed that a friend of mine was doing like this 30 day photo thing and I thought it was really cool. So I thought I'd blog about it, but since I don't feel like putting up a new picture every day for 30 days I thought I'd just do it now and give you guys a little LizBits...maha...totally just came up with that. :)

Love this show. THE NANNY. So funny and good memories from my freshman year with my roommate. We would fall asleep watching The Nanny.
I always have a fun night at Tequilas. :) Cuz of the amazing food and people. I miss you Juan! :)
This is a tough one but I would love to see what life was really like for Miss Jane Austen.
Haha...This was an easy pick. Fun times! And I am not ashamed to admit that when my sister and I are bored we dress like men. We like to freak our mother out. :)
OMG!!! HATE SNAKES!!! I still have nightmares about them and I was gagging trying to search for a picture of them. *Shiver down spine*
This was a hard one. There are so many good bands and artists out there, but definitely Chris Tomlin. First real Christian band/singer I fell in love with.
Marry the man of my dreams. :)
Socializing and being a good friend.
EASY choice. JANE EYRE!!!
My weight and intelligence...I didn't have a picture for that.
Photo 1: A picture of yourself with ten facts
2. I'm a very random and interesting person. My mind or mouth don't really have a filter
3. The fact that I'll be turning 20 soon kind of scares me. I don't want to be a grown up yet. :(
4. I'm a mommy's girl and not really ashamed of it either. More girls should have closer relationships to their mothers, but a lot of girls have close relationships with their fathers that I'm pretty jealous of.
5. Never been outside of the country. Well, I've been to Canada but I was an infant so that doesn't count.
6. Sometimes I am so lazy that I have to force myself to shower and brush my teeth before I go to bed.
7. If my work space is messy and can't work.
8. I LOVE reading. Most of my money I spend on books...or movies because the movie is better than the book. :)
9. The youngest of three.
10. I hate being alone but I hate being around people.
Photo 2: A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

Photo 3: A picture of the cast from your favorite show
Photo 4: A picture of your favorite night
Photo 5: A picture of your favorite memory
Photo 6: A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
Photo 7: A picture of your most treasured item
Photo 8: A picture that makes you laugh

Photo 9: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
Photo 10: A picture of the person you do the most craziest things with
Ha...refer to photo #8. My sister is probably the person I do the weirdest things with...and my friend Brittany..refer to photo #2.
Photo 11: A picture of something you hate
Photo 12: A picture of something you love
Refer to photo #7
Photo 13: A picture of your favorite band or artist
Photo 14: A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
Again refer to photo #7. If I were to lose anybody close to me it would hurt. Thank God I haven't lost anybody yet.Photo 15: A picture of something you want to do before you die
Photo 16: A picture of someone who inspires you
Photo 17: A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
refer to photo #5. My niece and being an aunt.Photo 18: A picture of your biggest insecurity
Photo 19: A picture and a letter
huh?Photo 20: A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
Photo 21: A picture of something you wish you could forget
My sensitivity towards the things my family does.
Photo 22: A picture of something you wish you were better at
Photo 23: A picture of your favorite book

Photo 24: A picture of something you wish you could change
My weight and intelligence...I didn't have a picture for that.
Photo 25: A picture of your favorite day
Photo 26: A picture of something that means a lot to you
photo #7 MY FAMILY....and Jesus! :)Photo 27: A picture of yourself and a family member
Photo 28: A picture of something you're afraid of
photo #11. Don't make me repost that. :(Photo 29: A picture that can always make you smile
Photo 30: A picture of someone you miss
Miss Gracie!
Well...there you have it...30 random tidbits and photos. Hope you enjoyed. Hopefully I'll have some other things posted up soon.
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