Photo 1: A picture of yourself with ten facts
2. I'm a very random and interesting person. My mind or mouth don't really have a filter
3. The fact that I'll be turning 20 soon kind of scares me. I don't want to be a grown up yet. :(
4. I'm a mommy's girl and not really ashamed of it either. More girls should have closer relationships to their mothers, but a lot of girls have close relationships with their fathers that I'm pretty jealous of.
5. Never been outside of the country. Well, I've been to Canada but I was an infant so that doesn't count.
6. Sometimes I am so lazy that I have to force myself to shower and brush my teeth before I go to bed.
7. If my work space is messy and can't work.
8. I LOVE reading. Most of my money I spend on books...or movies because the movie is better than the book. :)
9. The youngest of three.
10. I hate being alone but I hate being around people.
Photo 2: A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

Photo 3: A picture of the cast from your favorite show
Photo 4: A picture of your favorite night
Photo 5: A picture of your favorite memory
Photo 6: A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
Photo 7: A picture of your most treasured item
Photo 8: A picture that makes you laugh

Photo 9: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
Photo 10: A picture of the person you do the most craziest things with
Ha...refer to photo #8. My sister is probably the person I do the weirdest things with...and my friend Brittany..refer to photo #2.
Photo 11: A picture of something you hate
Photo 12: A picture of something you love
Refer to photo #7
Photo 13: A picture of your favorite band or artist
Photo 14: A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
Again refer to photo #7. If I were to lose anybody close to me it would hurt. Thank God I haven't lost anybody yet.Photo 15: A picture of something you want to do before you die
Photo 16: A picture of someone who inspires you
Photo 17: A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
refer to photo #5. My niece and being an aunt.Photo 18: A picture of your biggest insecurity
Photo 19: A picture and a letter
huh?Photo 20: A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
Photo 21: A picture of something you wish you could forget
My sensitivity towards the things my family does.
Photo 22: A picture of something you wish you were better at
Photo 23: A picture of your favorite book

Photo 24: A picture of something you wish you could change
My weight and intelligence...I didn't have a picture for that.
Photo 25: A picture of your favorite day
Photo 26: A picture of something that means a lot to you
photo #7 MY FAMILY....and Jesus! :)Photo 27: A picture of yourself and a family member
Photo 28: A picture of something you're afraid of
photo #11. Don't make me repost that. :(Photo 29: A picture that can always make you smile
Photo 30: A picture of someone you miss
Miss Gracie!
Well...there you have it...30 random tidbits and photos. Hope you enjoyed. Hopefully I'll have some other things posted up soon.
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