"God is within her. She will not fail."

Monday, August 6, 2012


Even after many seasons (are they on 12 now? I have no idea), this dance is still my favorite. Mia Michaels is an excellent choreographer! When she talks about the background of this dance and how she's portraying addiction, I think she's dead-on. We've all experienced wanting something that's not good for us...maybe not to this extent, but whether it be drinking or drugs or food (I'm not gonna tell ya mine :P ) we've all been there. That feeling where we want this thing SO bad because it makes us feel better but ultimately that thing starts to control us and it doesn't feel so good anymore and we want to let go of this addiction, but we can't because we're so drawn to it It's not that we don't want to stop, it's just that we can't. We don't know anything else but that addiction and we're afraid to not have that crutch to get us through life.....

Whelp, that's my schpeal for today.

Oh...And the song Gravity goes so well for this dance. :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Oh the Joys of an Unemployed College Student

Whelp, it's been a while since I've posted anything. Sorry to all my loyal followers out there who really give a damn about what I have to say, but my life over the summer hasn't really been that interesting.
-As I predicted I've got no job this summer. My mom does pay me to clean the house once a week but that money goes by too fast.
-Finished a couple of books this summer, but I can't tell you what they were because I completely forgot. lol.
-At the end of June my mom and I went to go visit my grandma in MICH. That is never a pleasant trip. My grandma has cognitive problems so that's annoying enough, but when you add in her critical, no filture, pity me, complaining personality she becomes unbearable. So that wasn't any fun, besides spending a day up at school visiting Rachel for the day. :)
-Throughout the summer I've been addicted to the T.V. shows Drop Dead Diva, Law & Order S.V.U., and Veronica Mars. (That's what I spend the majority of my days doing, watching T.V.)
-And my family just got back from an Eastern Carribean cruise that our grandma paid for all of us to go to. It was a fun experience since I've never been on one again and it was nice to have something to do and to spend time with my family, but I hate traveling and I am definitely too claustrophobic for cruises. Hopefully the next vacation I go on I will have choosen and paid for.

There's been other things going on this summer  but it's none of y'alls business. :P So as I said my summer's been pretty boring, but in just under a month I'll be going back to school and be one step closer towards graduating. Yay! It's gonna be so scary and stressful but I'm really looking forward to classes and seeing my friends again. :)