I have that saying on a key chain that hangs with my keys. You know, I have friends that are not Christians. The ones who don't go to church. May believe that there's a god, but are not quite sure. Or you know, those one friends who grew up going to church and Sunday school, and confirmation class, but then they grew up and drifted away from that life. Some of those friends may claim to still be Christians but as the old saying goes, "Going to church makes you as much of a Christian as sitting in the garage makes you a car."
I think sometimes people choose not to be Christians because they think they have to give up all their fun and I think they do view Christians as being stuck up....but just like my key chain says we're not perfect and we definitely don't call ourselves that, but we remember that when we do screw up we're forgiven. Now that doesn't mean we should take advantage of that. I strongly dislike the people who think it's okay to live together and have premarital sex. When you know it's wrong, why do you do it?
Another reason people may have a hard time believing is because they're afraid to put their trust in something. I've always had the philosophy though that if some how God doesn't end up being real and when I die I figure that out at least I believed in something and I'd rather believe and have Him not be real than to not believe and come to find that He is real. Probably not a good reason to be a Christian but hey, I'm not perfect. :)
In the words of C.S. Lewis "I didn’t go to religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port would do that. If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don’t recommend Christianity."
I'm sure there are countless other reasons why people don't believe and I really don't know why I was thinking about this but I just felt the need to write about it. So if this was offensive I apologize and if you didn't like it then don't read it.